Are you ready to embrace your thirties, and live a life that is on your own terms.
You deserve a life that you love and are proud of.
1:1 coaching spots are currently fully booked. Keep updated on the Turning 30 Instagram for when spots will be opened up again and in the meantime, check if one of the Turning 30 courses is a good fit for you.
You deserve to
Choose Yourself.
My 1:1 Turning 30 coaching program is designed to support you to live your life on your terms, that doesn’t only look good on the outside, but feels great on the inside.

Society puts pressure on us to have done certain things by the time we reach our thirties.
It's a myth that we all need to adhere to the same timelines.
It's time to live your own path.
Do you often feel that you are ‘doing life wrong’, just because it doesn't look the same as those around you?
Are you ready to live the life that you want, instead of the life others want for you?
Perhaps you have asked yourself ‘is this it?’ or feel that you are stuck and losing hope that you can enjoy this life chapter.
Do any of these sound familiar to you?
You are caught in a cycle of wanting to change but nothing actually ever changes.
You are comparing yourself to others around you and feelings that you are ‘left behind’.
You are tired of constantly questioning why your life doesn’t look the way you expected it to by this point.
You are stuck in the “I don’t know’ and are struggling to make any decisions
You are called to take action and do something about it, but you don’t know practically what that looks like.
You are ready to have a set of tools that can help you manage your mind and create more confidence and clarity
You are being called to explore yourself more, and have recently been looking inwards to understand why you feel the way you do.
I know how you feel as I have been there too.
On my 29th birthday, I had a sudden ‘crisis’ when I felt that my career, relationship status and lifestyle were not at all aligned with what I truly wanted. I felt deeply unsatisfied, but I didn’t know where to turn or how to change it.
One thing I knew was that I couldn’t enter my thirties feeling so lost and confused.
This is when I discovered life coaching.
Over the past seven years, I have learnt and developed my coaching tools that have enabled me to grow from a lost and confused 29 year old to a confident and empowered 35 year old.

In this time I have:
Left a career that I knew wasn’t fulfilling me, that I had wanted to leave for years.
Followed my dream to create a fully-booked coaching business that I know is my true calling and allows me to travel.
Ended a four-year relationship that wasn’t serving me to embrace being single and dating in my mid-thirties.
Started a conscious relationship at the age of 35.
Moved in to my dream apartment to live alone and became fully self-sufficient in every sense of the word.
Spent my winters on the beaches of Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama working as a digital nomad.
Developed a consistent balanced routine, including daily journaling and a yoga practice (29 year old me did not exercise AT ALL!).
Full confidence that I am on the right path and I can coach myself through anything that life brings my way.
Chosen to live a life that feels right for me, embracing who I am and not being afraid to strive for more instead of settle for less.
These results are a culmination of investing in my own coaching, developing tools and skills over time to create this life that I love. My mission now is to share this with as many people as possible, so it doesn’t also have to take you years.
The Program
In my signature 1:1 Turning 30 Coaching Program, I guide my clients to make the changes in their lives to create a life in their thirties that they are excited about.
We do this by focusing on the key thing that needs to shift: MINDSET, as well as focusing on creating healthy habits and routines (journaling is my jam).
This isn’t a quick fix, but a deep dive into understanding what makes you truly happy, lit up and your true authentic self, how to incorporate behaviours to support this lifestyle, and how to manage your thoughts and feelings to implement long term sustainable changes that will help you reach your goals.
Together we work on helping you uncover your thought-feeling-behaviour patterns that are keeping you stuck. By the end of our time working together you will be able to move forward and create change in whatever area of life you feel stuck in.
No more sitting around and waiting for your circumstances to magically change, or for someone else to rescue you.

Coaching changed my life, and now it can change yours too.
Coaching is different from other types of professional support as it provides you with tangible tools and methods that you can use in your life going forward, long after the coaching program has finished.
As well as providing accountability and support, the Turning 30 program is unique in that it aims to teach my coaching concepts to provide you with a toolbox of new skills that you will have forever.

What’s included in the Turning 30 Coaching Program?
Tailored package for a private coaching program with online Zoom coaching and materials
Pre-coaching questionnaire: a detailed reflection on where you currently are and what you want to achieve from the program.
90 minute strategy session where we run through a series of coaching exercises to kick-off the program. We complete a ‘Future You’ workshop activity and set goals using my unique goal-setting process
1:1 online coaching sessions, where you are supported and coached in relation to your goals and you learn the coaching tools
Complimentary access to existing Turning 30 courses, including the coaching foundations course The Next Chapter
Direct access to Emma during the time coaching together on voicenote.
End of coaching questionnaire at the end of the container

What do we work on together?
Each 1:1 program is tailored to the client’s needs, and there are no restrictions to the topics that we can focus on. Clients have 100% autonomy over what they bring to the program and the areas that they want to work on.
We work on life areas such as:
And often our goals are to work on feeling better and creating a more aligned life by setting goals like this:
Building more confidence and trust
Being more authentic and true to yourself
Having boundaries
Learning how to put yourself first
Having more fun!
Living life on your terms
Creating a life that you are proud of
My Clients
I have worked with over 100 women in their thirties to help go through huge life transitions and reach their personal goals.
My clients are living proof of the results that can be created in only a few months of coaching. The big change is always how it feels on the inside, but in addition to this, here are just a snapshot of some of the results my clients have been getting by learning and implementing my three-step method:
Quit jobs that they didn’t like and found amazing new jobs that are much more suited to them

Learned how to like their current job, when they were convinced they wanted to leave

Been promoted in their current role with significant salary increases

Taken the leap to set up their own businesses, from consultancies to life coaching practices

Set up a side-hustle and learning how to balance this with their current job

Changed their money mindset, enabling them to stop bad spending habits and start saving up

Left romantic relationships that weren’t serving them

Started actively dating again, many starting new committed relationships

Improved relationships with existing romantic partners, family members and friends

Making decisions to move country/city after years of debating whether to do it

Going on solo adventures and taking solo travel trips to dream locations

Started new hobbies and implemented healthy lifestyle routines

The Investment
The coaching fee for 1:1 is $3000 upfront payment or $1100 per month for three months.
More flexible payment plans are also available.
1:1 coaching spots are currently fully booked until September 2024. Keep updated on the Turning 30 Instagram for when spots will be opened up again and in the meantime, check if one of the Turning 30 courses is a good fit for you.

Imagine a Future You three months from now:
Who has fully stepped up and admitted that she is ready for something more.
That has more clarity, more ownership over her chosen life path, a better relationship with herself and a deep knowing that she is committed to build a life that she is proud of.
Frequently Asked Questions
About Coaching
About the Program
About You
About the Investment
If you have a question that wasn’t answered in the FAQs, feel free to contact us here.